Donkey killing cut from film

Published Mar 10, 2005


Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier, who is putting the final touches to Manderlay, the sequel to his 2003 movie, Dogville, has cut a scene showing the slaughter of a donkey after receiving heaps of protest mail, Danish news agency Ritzau reported.

The scene in Manderlay shows starving inhabitants of a small town slaughtering and quartering the animal. The donkey had been put to sleep by veterinarians before the scene was filmed.

The animal's tragic fate had already prompted American actor John C Reilly, known for his roles in Magnolia and The Hours, to quit the filming of Manderlay in protest last April.

"Animal welfare is important, but the welfare of humans is in my eyes even more important ... and that includes freedom of expression and the right to a political debate," Von Trier was quoted as saying by Ritzau.

According to Ritzau, the director cut the scene because he was afraid it would overshadow the political and social message of the movie.

Filmed in Sweden, Manderlay is the second instalment of a trilogy. It is scheduled to open on June 3, featuring Danny Glover, Lauren Bacall, Chloe Sevigny, Jean-Marc Barr, Udo Kier and Bryce Dallas Howard. - Sapa-AFP

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