WATCH: ‘Sunday Sexy Love’ trailer gets tongues wagging

Mpoomy and Brenden Ledwaba. Picture: Instagram

Mpoomy and Brenden Ledwaba. Picture: Instagram

Published Oct 2, 2022


Mzansi Magic's new talk show "Sunday Sexy Love" is certainly going to get viewers talking, if the conversation around the trailer is anything to go by.

The trailer entices viewers with all that is to come on the show as comedian Tumi Morake gets celebrity couples to open up about their bedroom stories.

Guests include Boity Thulo and Anton Jeftha, Bontle Modiselle and Priddy Ugly, Gogo Maweni and Sabelo Mgube, and Latoya and Lebo Pulumo. Other guests include DJ Tira and Gugu Khathi, and Dineo and Zothile Langa.

In the trailer, couples Ntokozo and Nqubeko Mbatha and Mpoomy and Brenden Ledwaba are featured and their inclusion has sparked a conversation around young married Christian couples.

The Ledwaba’s have been open with the followers about the relationship and previously gotten candid on their YouTube channel on intimacy as a young couple.

@___ying____wrote: “mpoomy and brenden????do they not care about brand alignment??”

@__reefa__wrote: “Kae bona ya Mpoomy eBrendon mara Ntokozo and Nqubeko??? They look so out of place”.

Other tweeps argued that being conservative doesn't mean a person isn't intimate and opted to look on the bright side of the conversation.

@Puleng_Favoured said: “Most of these couples are married. So looking on the bright side they might demystify the narrative on marital sex by giving us insight & helping us unpack intimacy in marriage.

“Also Ntokozo, Mpoomy & Brandon are married and are intimate legally so if they want to do this it’s ok.”

— TheeFavored Puleng (@Puleng_Favoured) September 29, 2022
— Jessica Ntimbana (@Jesicantimbana) September 29, 2022

Married, dating or engaged, the celebrity couples reveal how they make their relationship work and keep the spark alive while being in the spotlight.

“Sunday Sexy Love” starts on Mzansi Magic (DStv channel 161), October 2 at 9pm and, for the next10 weeks, the show will feature the couples talking openly about their love journeys, the good, the bad and the spectacular.