Ntsiki Mazwai explains her stance on always believing victims of GBV

Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Instagram

Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Instagram

Published Apr 13, 2021


Controversial poet Ntsiki Mazwai has taken to social media to explain her stance on gender-based violence (GBV).

The star explained why her stance is to support and express belief in rape victims, even before the justice system gets involved in their cases.

In the past Ntsiki has made it abundantly clear to her social media followers that she stands with victims of rape and gender-based violence (GBV), and often tweets support for victims.

This week she explained herself.

“I believe all victims because I’d rather be wrong than subject someone to secondary victimisation after being raped,” Ntsiki wrote in a tweet.

The star, who never minces her words, said for her the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” did not apply when the crime was rape.

When a Twitter user asked her whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, she hit back saying: “Not with rape”.

“We always have to believe the victims first because women are more vulnerable to being raped. We have to start from the basis of believing her. And move from there, ” she said in another tweet.

— Ntsiki Mazwai (@ntsikimazwai) April 12, 2021

Ntsiki also replied to a tweep who said “rape accusations” were an attack on the successful black man.

“I wish we could do a thread on successful black men. So you could see there are MANY.

“And so you can see that it’s unique being accused of rape. It’s about the person. There are tons of clean black men who don’t rape. Tons.”

While Ntsiki has been commended by many for her activism, her posts on social media have landed her in hot water.

Last year DJ Fresh took Ntsiki to court over claims she made about him on Twitter.

Fresh filed papers in the Johannesburg High Court that he was applying for a court interdict against Ntsiki.

This after Ntsiki posted on her social media platforms accusing DJ Fresh, whose real name is Thato Sikwane, of being a rapist.

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