Dr Tumi cleared of fraud charges levelled against him earlier this year

Dr Tumi. Picture: Instagram

Dr Tumi. Picture: Instagram

Published Sep 30, 2021


Gospel star and medical doctor Dr Tumi has been cleared of all charges, after he was arrested in April this year, for allegedly defrauding the National Lotteries Board.

Dr Tumi, who was arrested along with his wife Kgaogelo Makweya, walked out of the Palm Ridge Commercial Crimes Court this week, a free man, after the Specialised Commercial Crimes Unit dropped all charges against the duo.

The National Prosecuting Authority decided that the musician and his wife had no case to answer to, after representations by their lawyers.

The Nothing Without You hitmaker released a statement, addressing the matter for the first time, this week.

“Due to the matter having been sub-judice, we couldn't comment on it.

“From the onset we maintained our innocence because we did nothing wrong.

“Handing ourselves over to the authorities was not an admission of guilt, but was out of respect for law enforcement agencies and to allow justice to take its course,” read part of the statement.

“We are vindicated, justice has been served, we have no case to answer to.

“We are thankful for the support and love from our family, friends, colleagues, and the public, at this time.

“We are turning back to life and pursuing our passions, and look forward to putting this episode behind us. God bless you all,” said Dr Tumi.

In April, the Hawks confirmed that the couple appeared in court, alongside their co-accused Christopher Tshivule and Thomas Ndadza, and were released on bail.

“The couple allegedly benefited from about R760 000 of the funds.

“They handed themselves in at the Johannesburg office, escorted by their attorney, and were subsequently charged for fraud.

“They appeared in the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court today and were granted bail of R3 000 each.

“The case was postponed to May 7 for docket disclosure," the Hawks said.