LETTER: Is the death penalty not the only option to remove murderers, rapists from society?

File Picture (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey, File)

File Picture (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey, File)

Published Mar 3, 2020


OPINION - IS reinstating the death penalty not the only solution?

Citizens were angered by the recent murders of Tazne van Wyk and Emaan Solomons, and have called for the death penalty to be reinstated.

Professor Shanaaz Matthews, director of UCT’s Children’s Institute, says South Africa has the highest reported rate of child murder (5.5 per 100000 children) globally.

Child abuse charity Matla A Bana recently said that “according to statistics, a child is raped every three minutes in South Africa”.

Statistics South Africa reported that R246billion was spent on schooling - R19143 spent annually on the education of a single pupil. In stark contrast, the government spent R133800 on each prisoner in 2017, seven times more than that spent on education.

In September 2019, the Institute for Security Studies reported that murder had risen over the past seven years by 35%.

President Cyril Ramaphosa apologised to the residents of Elsies River for alleged child killer Mohydian Pangarker being released on parole.

Sars commissioner Edward Kieswetter also reported a few days ago that R63.3bn less will be collected this year in taxes than projected in 2019.

According to the Bill of Rights, “Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected”. The bill also states that “everyone has the right to life”.

Humans forfeit their entitlement to protection under the bill with heinous acts such as murder and rape. Jailing murderers and rapists for life at cost to the taxpayer is not a viable solution since it drains our already limited funds. Murderers and rapists should be removed from the face of the Earth. Is the death penalty not the only viable option?

Adiel Ismail Mount View

Daily News

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