KZN’s brutal weather leaves 31 people dead, three missing

Heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning have claimed the lives of 31 people, while three are still missing in KwaZulu-Natal. Picture: Supplied

Heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning have claimed the lives of 31 people, while three are still missing in KwaZulu-Natal. Picture: Supplied

Published Jan 3, 2024


Durban – Inclement weather in KwaZulu-Natal left 31 people dead and three missing recently.

That was according to KZN Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, who issued a statement providing an update on the devastation caused by heavy rains in December.

“Heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning have claimed the lives of 31 people, while three are still unaccounted for in KwaZulu-Natal during the month of December.

“In the latest incidents, a man was struck by lightning in Eshowe on New Year’s Eve, while a 64-year-old drowned while swimming on the beach on the South Coast,” Sithole-Moloi said.

She extended her heartfelt condolences to all the affected families who have tragically lost their loved ones during a time when many were enjoying and reuniting for the festive season.

Sithole-Moloi said the heavy rains left a trail of destruction, affecting households, businesses, and public infrastructure such as schools, roads and bridges.

“As our team continues to assess the situation on the ground while providing disaster relief to affected families, preliminary reports indicate that over 600 households were affected, with over 140 dwellings completely destroyed,” Sithole-Moloi said.

Heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning have claimed the lives of 31 people, while three are still missing in KwaZulu-Natal. Picture: Supplied

Deaths and damage in various districts:

  • The uThukela District was the most affected, with 23 fatalities recorded as a result of the floods that hit Ladysmith on Christmas Eve, while more than 100 households were damaged.
  • The uMgungundlovu District suffered with most homes damaged and two deaths, while one person remains missing after a car was swept away in the Msunduzi River in Pietermaritzburg.
  • In the King Cetshwayo District, more than 40 households were damaged by strong winds and several businesses within Eshowe Industrial were destroyed.
  • The uMzinyathi District also suffered with more than 100 homes affected and one fatality. This has affected more than 2 000 people and has rendered 21 people homeless.

Sithole-Moloi said: “Since the beginning of these rains, we have been responding promptly, providing immediate disaster relief such as blankets, plastic sheeting, box-B, and vouchers to affected families.

“We have also offered psychological support through the Department of Social Development to the affected families and assisted with burial arrangements. We have activated other sector departments such as Human Settlements, Transport, and Home Affairs to co-ordinate assistance from these departments.

“As we continue with the assessment, we were also joined by a representative from the Presidency to ascertain the kind of assistance we may need from the national government. We welcome such support from the Office of the President. It gives us hope and we will ensure that our assessments will be concluded in due course.”

Sithole-Moloi also commended neighbours and relatives who have demonstrated ubuntu by housing families whose dwellings had been damaged or destroyed. This has ensured that none of the victims have had to be housed in mass care centres or community halls. The responsible agencies are making the necessary arrangements to assist the families.

“We have assigned our disaster teams to go into all areas to ensure that all homes have been assessed to prepare for assistance,” Sithole-Moloi said.

Heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning have claimed the lives of 31 people, while three are still missing in KwaZulu-Natal. Picture: Supplied

She said while they continue to work with other departments and stakeholders to respond to all incidents, they remain concerned about the continuing rainfall which is hampering the pace at which assessments can be conducted.

However, they will continue to ensure that relief is provided as soon as possible.

“Once we conclude the assessment, we will establish the cost of these damages and co-operate with all departments to provide necessary intervention.

“We would also like to commend our social partners who have been working with us to locate missing people through their search and rescue teams and disaster relief. They have bolstered our response efforts, particularly in areas with high demand, such as Ladysmith.

“We have partnered with organisations such as the Al-Imdaad Foundation, IPSS Medical Rescue, and the South African Red Cross. We also applaud the South African Police Service for mobilising their resources to intensify the search operations to find missing people,” Sithole-Moloi added.

She said that as search and rescue operations for those still missing continue, they appeal to individuals who may have loved ones missing as a result of heavy rains to report this urgently. They have urged all their municipalities to work with their disaster teams to ensure that every ward is assessed.

Sithole-Moloi added that the rains are expected to continue, with an alert Level 2 for thunderstorms issued for different areas in KZN.

“We advise our people to remain indoors where it is safe to do so. As many people will be travelling back to work as we conclude the festive holidays, we urge motorists to be extra-vigilant on the road.

“Where possible, we advise people to postpone their trips until the weather has cleared. Our teams will remain on high alert to respond to disasters throughout the rainy season,” Sithole-Moloi said.

The South African Weather Service's weather outlook for Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Graphic: SAWS

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