KZN ANC expected to oversee Youth League conference

KwaZulu-Natal ANC provincial secretary Bheki Mtolo and the provincial spokesperson Mafika Mndebele at a party media briefing recently. Photo: Willem Phungula

KwaZulu-Natal ANC provincial secretary Bheki Mtolo and the provincial spokesperson Mafika Mndebele at a party media briefing recently. Photo: Willem Phungula

Published Feb 10, 2023


Durban — The ANC KwaZulu-Natal provincial executive committee (PEC) is expected to take over some of the responsibilities of the preparatory committee to ensure that the ANC Youth League conference takes place without any problems this time.

ANC provincial spokesperson Mafika Mndebele told the Daily News on Thursday that the PEC was concerned that the Youth League remained without leadership and had resolved to intervene and ensure that the league met and elected the new leadership.

Mndebele said the PEC would meet the ANC Youth League task team to finalise preparations for the conference. The conference, which was held in Durban in December last year, was turned into a festival of chairs between two factions who could not agree on credentials. Each group accused the other of bringing bogus delegates, and security guards had to form a human wall to keep them apart.

“We will discuss and note which responsibilities we can take over from the preparatory committee. Duties like registration and funding might be taken over by the PEC to ensure the credibility of the process,” said Mndebele.

Harry Gwala regional youth secretary Qiniso Mnguni said this intervention was long overdue and if it had happened earlier the conference would have gone ahead.

Mnguni said it was unfortunate that the youth of the province had not had an elected structure for such a long time. Mnguni is a front-runner for the secretary position and, with his region wielding much influence, many are tipping him to win the contest.

Mnguni’s region in southern KZN successfully pushed for the election of Siboniso Duma as chairperson and Bheki Mtolo as a secretary in the ANC provincial conference in July last year.

The ANC’s intervention could have been prompted by an ugly public spat between the Youth League task team convener Sanele Mbambo and Mndebele recently.

The two exchanged strong words in letters they wrote to each other. Mbambo had written to Mndebele informing him of the intention to charge him for misconduct in relation to his behaviour at the failed conference.

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