King Misuzulu, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi to meet over Ingonyama chair

Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi and King Misuzulu are said to be not seeing eye to eye following the king’s appointment of the new Ingonyama Trust chairperson without Buthelezi’s input. Picture: Khaya Ngwenya/African News Agency (ANA)

Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi and King Misuzulu are said to be not seeing eye to eye following the king’s appointment of the new Ingonyama Trust chairperson without Buthelezi’s input. Picture: Khaya Ngwenya/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Apr 24, 2023


Durban — The relationship between King Misuzulu and his traditional prime minister, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, was expected to sour further as the king plans to forge ahead with the appointment of Inkosi Thanduyise Mzimela as the chairperson of the Ingonyama Trust Board.

This was after Buthelezi issued a statement saying he was never consulted by the king before he appointed Mzimela. Buthelezi is said to be in favour of Judge Jerome Ngwenya’s continuation as the chairperson.

A source close to the royal family and to the king who spoke to the Daily News on condition of anonymity said in terms of the Ingonyama Trust Act, it was the king’s sole mandate to nominate the chairperson of the board and, even if he had to consult anyone that did not mean that he could not appoint or nominate the chairperson if those consulted were against his choice.

The source said the king had told him that he would not back down on Mzimela’s appointment, but he would inform his PM and not seek his permission.

“The meeting of certain amakhosi that met in Eshowe and ‘dismissed’ Mzimela’s appointment was co-ordinated by the people who wanted Judge Ngwenya to continue as the chairperson.

“I have spoken to the king and said he would not reverse Mzimela’s appointment as it was his prerogative to nominate the chairperson of his choice,” said the source.

Mzimela’s appointment appeared to be irreversible since it had already been submitted to the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reforms, Thoko Didiza.

The department’s spokesperson, Reggie Ngcobo, confirmed Mzimela’s appointment. Ngcobo said there was no legislation that stipulated that the king must consult Buthelezi or amakhosi, adding that it was just a courtesy.

According to another source close to the royal family, the public spat between former chairperson Judge Ngwenya and the Trust’s chief executive, Vela Mngwengwe, was caused by Ngwenya’s request that the Trust fork out about R150 000 to pay for his lawyers to challenge the new board’s appointment which Mngwengwe turned down, questioning Judge Ngwenya’s status on the board since he was no longer a member.

Mngwengwe then sent a memo to the staff notifying them about the new chairperson and warned them not to take instructions from Judge Ngwenya, who responded by sending his memo on Friday telling the staff that he was still their boss.

In the memo that the Daily News has seen, Ngwenya said he had taken the minister to court challenging the interim board she appointed in 2020 which he said was flawed.

Also in the letter, Ngwenya said the process followed by the minister to appoint the current board was flawed and therefore he was still the legally appointed chairperson.

This prompted the king to summon Ngwenya and Mzimela to meet him in Durban to clarify the issue. The king also wrote to Buthelezi and requested him to meet to discuss the appointment of the new board.

The letter to the king that the paper has seen partly read: “In respect of the appointment of members of the board of trustees, it is prudent that I engage with Umntwana waKwaPhindangene to discuss this urgent matter. I will greatly appreciate I could be afforded an urgent opportunity to meet with (sic) Prime Minister Prince MG Buthelezi if feasible before the end of next week to give effect to the appointment of the aforesaid matters.”

The apparent rift between Buthelezi and the king also prompted Indonsa Yesizwe, under Professor Musa Xulu, to call for the two leaders to meet and iron out their differences.

In his response Buthelezi denied that there was a rift, saying he was responding to media queries about the Trust’s chairperson who was appointed by the king.

Buthelezi confirmed the king’s request to meet him and said they would meet this week.

Mzimela confirmed his appointment, adding that he had already received his appointment letter.

Mngwengwe confirmed that the staff was instructed to pay Ngwenya’s legal fees, which was not approved by him since he was on leave.

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