DA retains Msunduzi ward 28 after by-election battle with the ANC

DA KZN leader Francois Rodgers

DA KZN leader Francois Rodgers

Published Jan 19, 2023


Durban — The DA in KwaZulu-Natal has expressed its joy at retaining ward 28 in the Msunduzi Municipality following a by-election on Wednesday.

DA KZN leader Francois Rodgers said the DA in KZN was pleased to announce that it had retained ward 28 in Msunduzi.

He said that the ANC has systematically brought the City of Msunduzi to a state of total collapse. The DA has, however, once again proven that it is the only effective alternative to the ANC.

“Retaining this ward will ensure that the ANC remains below 50% in the Msunduzi Council, and therefore does not have an outright majority,” Rodgers said.

“Voters in Msunduzi and the province are showing their dissatisfaction with the ANC in the polls where it matters.

“Msunduzi can only work under a DA government. As we have proven in uMngeni, the DA ensures that the needs of voters are placed ahead of those of the party,” Rodgers said.

He also thanked all voters who turned out in their numbers for the by-election, braving the heatwave to show their support for the DA.

Earlier this week, the Daily News reported that the DA and ANC had entered into a race for the much-contested ward 28 by-election in Msunduzi

The ward has been a hive of activity as political parties continued with their campaigning in the hope of gaining control of the ward which has exchanged hands between the two parties during past terms.

ANC Moses Mabhida regional secretary Samora Ndlovu said the party was hopeful that it would win the by-election – which was under DA control – decrying poor service in the area.

DA leader John Steenhuisen on Saturday embarked on a visit to the municipality’s embattled ward 28 ahead of the by-election, with the aim to do an inspection of the dysfunctional Lahore Road substation.

He also interacted with the local community over service delivery challenges bedevilling them.

Daily News