WATCH: Love flows as Capetonians smash big Sarmiethon munchy target to feed the hungry



Published Nov 25, 2021


CAPE TOWN - With the help of corporates, volunteers and the public, NPO Ladles of Love exceeded their target to make 50 000 sandwiches in less than eight hours to raise food and funds for beneficiaries around the Cape Peninsula.

Ladles of Love smashed their Sarmiethon target and made a staggering 57 140 sandwiches at the Jetty 2 in the V&A Waterfront on Wednesday.

The Sarmiethon challenge saw 20 teams battle it out against each other to see who will make the greatest number of sandwiches in tag-team style. The teams however moved so fast that the charity ran out of bread and jam before the last shift started. Sponsors Blue Ribbon and Rhodes Quality however stepped in and supplied bread and spread to continue the challenge.

Ladles of Love founder Danny Diliberto said: “What an unbelievable day it was to see so many love activists in Cape Town pull together once again and rise above the challenge. This is truly the city of sarmies!.”

Walking away with the trophy and making an incredible 4190 sandwiches was one of Ladles of Love’s very own community soup kitchen Serving Hands, in Belgravia Estate, Athlone. This team of women worked like poetry in motion as they do when they feed nearly 500 meals to people in their community daily.

Coming in second was the determined team from Rhodes Quality who made 3860 sandwiches.

The sarmies will be distributed to Community Soup kitchens and Early Childhood Development Centres across the Cape Peninsula to help keep hunger at bay.

Cape Times

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