‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ publishers withdraw book, apologise to Du Plessis

Chris Steyn, one of the authors of "The Lost Boys of Bird Island". Picture:Zanele Zulu/African News Agency (ANA)

Chris Steyn, one of the authors of "The Lost Boys of Bird Island". Picture:Zanele Zulu/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Mar 4, 2020


Cape Town – The controversial book, The Lost Boys of Bird Island, in which three former National Party (NP) Cabinet ministers were accused of sexually molesting underage boys, has been withdrawn.

Its publishers, NB Publishers, have apologised for publishing allegations implicating former finance minister Barend du Plessis.

They have also withdrawn unsold copies of both the Afrikaans and English editions of the book, and the e-book has been removed from online e-trade platforms.

Written by Mark Minnie and journalist Chris Steyn, the 2018 book exposed an alleged paedophilia ring run by apartheid-era politicians.

Johan Victor Attorneys, representing Du Plessis and the families of two deceased ministers named in the book, yesterday said that after months of investigations following the book being published, there was no concrete evidence showing any of the ministers were guilty of any form of paedophilia at Bird Island, or anywhere else.

“It is shocking that in today’s climate, NB Publishers allowed for such an unsubstantiated book to be printed.

"This book does not vindicate any victim of sexual molestation, it rather makes light of their suffering, and can be a deterrent for true victims to come forward.

“The book, which was published as non-fiction, by NB Publishers, a division of MEDIA24 Boeke (Pty) Ltd under the publishing imprint 'TAFELBERG' 1, was nothing but a fabrication, and a web of lies weaved by the co-authors of the book, Mark Minnie and Chris Steyn,” Victor said.

In a statement, Victor wrote: “Mark Minnie, in a telling e-mail to his co-author and editor, advised that he was bothered by the fact that: ‘We have no concrete evidence to the effect that any of the three ministers sexually molested a victim. 

"We need a victim to come forward and make an accusation followed by an identification’. 

“This e-mail was sent three

days prior to publication, and

despite not having any form of

concrete evidence to prove any of

the allegations contained in the

book, the two co-authors decided to

continue to lie to the public, and to

warp facts for their own gain.” 

NB Publishers yesterday said

statements made in the book may

suggest that Du Plessis, although not

mentioned by name, might have

been involved in the sexual abuse of

under-aged boys. 

While attempts were made

to conceal his identity, NB

Publishers said it accepted that

the book contained sufficient

information to identify Du Plessis as

an involved party. 

“The contested statements could

not be verified independently. NB Publishers unreservedly

apologises for the publication of

these allegations to the extent that

they implicate Mr Du Plessis, and

for the attendant infringement of

his dignity and impairment of his

reputation, as well as the emotional

distress this caused him and his


“In order to limit further

distribution of the book, NB

Publishers has withdrawn unsold

copies,” NB Publishers said. 

They confined the apology to Du

Plessis alone. 

“NB Publishers shall defend any

attempt at discrediting the book

and its contents in the appropriate

forum,” they said.

Cape Times

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