Khayelitsha family seeking justice for slain teenager

The family of slain Khayelitsha teen seeks justice for 13-year-old slain Thimna Kuze. Picture: Facebook

The family of slain Khayelitsha teen seeks justice for 13-year-old slain Thimna Kuze. Picture: Facebook

Published Mar 31, 2023


Cape Town - Police have confirmed foul play in the death of 13-year-old Khayelitsha teenager Thimna Kuze who is suspected to have also been raped by a man known to her.

It is alleged that the incident took place at a friend’s sleepover on Saturday.

Police spokesperson FC van Wyk said that the police were investigating the circumstances that led to Kuze’s death.

“Khayelitsha police are investigating an inquest case.

The cause of death of a 13-year- old girl is under investigation. A post-mortem was done and foul play was confirmed. The inquest case will be changed to a murder investigation. Khayelitsha detectives and Khayelitsha FCS Unit are investigating the alleged rape,” he said.

Kuze’s cousin Yolanda said the family was distraught and needed to see the man responsible for her murder arrested.

“She was my younger cousin and used to sleep over at my place in Site B. Her death shows how cruel the world is, and we feel that gender-based violence (GBV) is not a priority in this country. We just want the man responsible to pay.

“The whole family is not taking this well, especially her mother, it's not natural for a mother to bury a child, especially under such circumstances. Justice must prevail, and that's all we want. This must be the last time the man is allowed to do this to any woman or child, the law must protect us. We are going through a lot right now, it's just difficult,” she said.

The founder of Kwanele Bringing Women Justice, Leonara Tima, said they would support the family in their pursuit of justice. “Men have a sense of entitlement because we are seeing a normalistation of rape culture.

“Men tend to feel that once they buy you alcohol or anything they now own you, which is totally wrong.

It needs to be rectified from all levels of society, starting from the government down to these communities.

No one has the right to do as they please, regardless of what they have done for you. We will work with this family to assist so that justice is served,” she said.

Cape Times

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