Elsies community to picket as ‘child rapist’ appears

Residents and the Elsies River Community Police Forum’s GBV Committee will stage a picket outside the Goodwood Magistrate’s Court where the 54-year-old suspect will appear on a charge of rape.

Residents and the Elsies River Community Police Forum’s GBV Committee will stage a picket outside the Goodwood Magistrate’s Court where the 54-year-old suspect will appear on a charge of rape.

Published Jul 15, 2022


Cape Town - The Matroosfontein community in Elsies River is expected to be out in their numbers on Friday, calling for the man accused of raping a 10-year-old girl to go back to prison.

Residents and the Elsies River Community Police Forum’s GBV Committee will stage a picket outside the Goodwood Magistrate’s Court where the 54-year-old suspect will appear on a charge of rape.

According to committee chairperson, Charmen Gribi, the alleged incident happened in May at the accused’s workplace.

The man was arrested but is out on bail.

“The incident came to light when the child’s father overheard her sharing what happened with her brother.

“His bail condition includes that he mustn’t try to make contact with the child or stay in the same area in Matroosfontein.

“However this has not assisted because there have been rumours that the man was seen in the community.

“The girl has been receiving counselling but the family approached me because the child is traumatized and refuses to go to school because she apparently also saw the accused,” said Gribi.

She said they were worried that this could hinder the child’s healing process and believed the accused should have not received bail.

“The GBV Committee believes the bail conditions were not stringent enough and that the perpetrator is still in a position to intimidate the girl. The picket and the noise we will make on Friday is so that the magistrate knows the community supports the child and her family.

“We also want to highlight that we are not happy about the man being outside instead of prison.”

Gribi said cases of GBV were escalating in the area and the demonstration will also be against that.

“We demand that bail should be denied to all alleged sexual offenders especially where children are involved. It’s like these cases, especially sexual violence against children, are getting out of hand now. As the community we need to raise more awareness and education programs,” she said.

The demonstration comes a week after Leonard Mzingeli was found guilty of killing and raping 17-year-old Amahle Quku.

Mzingeli was convicted in the Western Cape High Court on four counts for the murder and rape of Quku, as well as the attempted murder of another woman he stabbed more than 20 times while raping her.

Acting Judge Nolundi Nyati had found him guilty on all counts after State advocate Renee Uys managed to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

Meanwhile a Worcester father accused of raping his biological two-year-old daughter appeared in the local Magistrates Court recently.

He first appeared on July 8 and the case was remanded for the outcome of his application for a legal representative from Legal Aid SA and for bail information.

“The case against a man charged with the rape of his daughter has been postponed to July 21 for a formal bail application. Legal Aid came on record,” said NPA spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila.

Cape Times