City tunes into Magic 828am

Published Sep 30, 2015


Staff Writer

The city’s newest radio station, Magic 828am, hit the airwaves this morning, broadcasting its first show at 6am and aiming to cater for young and old.

The station will be bringing back the good old days with classic hits from the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.

The programming is designed to appeal to a cosmopolitan audience between the ages of 16 and 60.

The station’s wave band is on 828am and Guy McDonald was the host for today’s morning show.

Magic 828am spokesperson Irene Oxley said: “We are all extremely excited to be finally going live for the first show.

“This has long been coming, with years of planning. We had a number of challenges, including finding a signal.

“We are the only radio station that has its own transmitter.

“We can promise that there is going to be less talk, but some of the industry’s popular voices, such as Dave Guselli and Brian Oxley, joined McDonald and Graeme White as DJs during the show.”

Oxley said extensive research done by Independent Media and research consultant Luisa Belter, together with research and data collection company Freshly Ground Insights, showed that the station’s aim would be reached within its target.

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