We cannot be burying children at this rate, says MEC as another child is slain in Tulbagh

A copy of a picture of Reagan Gertse. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency(ANA)

A copy of a picture of Reagan Gertse. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Mar 3, 2020


Cape Town - Another child has been found murdered and again the suspect involved is a man who had been jailed for rape but released on parole about four months ago.

The body of 7-year-old Reagan Gertse was found in the bushes on a river bank in Tulbagh in the Cape Winelands on Sunday after his family reported him missing the same morning.

This comes in the wake of the rape and murder of 12-year-old Sibusiso Dakuse, whose body was found in the reeds near his home, bringing to four the number of children murdered in the province in less than two months.

Last week, 7-year-old Emaan Solomons was tragically killed by a stray bullet when she was caught in gang crossfire in Ocean View, while the Elsies River community still mourns the death of 8-year-old Tazne van Wyk.

In Reagan’s case a 53-year-old suspect was arrested and appeared in the Tulbagh Magistrate’s Court on Monday. He is expected to appear again today.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa said as the investigation unfolds more charges could be added.

Community activist Leroy Noko said Reagan’s parents Louisa Gertse and Ricardo Davids were shocked that a family member, whom she said lives three shacks from them, allegedly raped and killed their son.

The man spent six years in jail for a case involving minors. He has been out on parole for the past three months.

A heart broken Benjamin Pretorius stands inside his house where his grandson use to frequently visit him. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency(ANA)
Hundreds of people gathering outside the Tulbagh Magistrate Court where the man accused of killing 7-year-old Reagan Gertse is due to appear. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency
Another child, Reagan Gertse, has been found murdered and again the suspect involved is a man who had been jailed for rape but released on parole. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency
Hundreds of people gathering outside the Tulbagh Magistrate Court where the man accused of killing 7-year-old Reagan Gertse is due to appear. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency
Hundreds of people gathering outside the Tulbagh Magistrate Court where the man accused of killing 7-year-old Reagan Gertse is due to appear. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency

Reagan’s grandmother Maria Davids said the suspect was known to the family. “The family is extremely unhappy. We raised Reagan

“He was a Grade 2 pupil at Twee Jonge Gezellen Primary School. His parents are at the mortuary to identify his body. The man arrested was jailed for rape, and came out four months ago,” she said.

Social development MEC Sharna Fernandez called for urgent “reforms” of the criminal justice system, which she said had to start by refusing bail and parole to these perpetrators.

“We simply cannot be burying children at this rate.

“We are losing more children, and most of these perpetrators are known to families and communities,” Fernandez pointed out.

She appealed to communities, government departments, and NGOs to partner in driving the 365 days child protection campaign.

“We can no longer be a nation at war with its own children. I appeal to every resident to work with the authorities in our fight to end the violence against our beloved children,” she said.

Police had to use stun grenades and rubber bullets to disperse a disgruntled crowd blocking the exit of the court as they were to leave with the accused. Video: Henk Kruger/African News Agency (ANA)
