Bodies of girl and man who tried rescuing her recovered from Athlone canal

The body of Yusuf Kiroboto was found floating in the Blackriver just off the N2 close to Athlone. Picture Courtney Africa/African News Agency (ANA)

The body of Yusuf Kiroboto was found floating in the Blackriver just off the N2 close to Athlone. Picture Courtney Africa/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jul 21, 2020


Cape Town - A body believed to be that of missing Yusuf Kiriboto has been found floating in a canal in Hazendal, Bokmakierie near N2 towards Cape Town on Tuesday.

This comes a day after the body of an eight-year-old girl Abieda Paulse was also found floating in the Liesbeek River under the M5 bridge.

Kiriboto was carried away by the fast-flowing Vygieskraal canal in Athlone, while trying to save Paulse who was swept by the stormy water two weeks ago after falling into the canal.

Paulse’s family have confirmed that the body found in the Liesbeek River on Monday, was that of their missing eight-year-old Abieda, a Grade 2 pupil from Silverlea Primary School.

Paulse's aunt, Fatiyah described her as a happy child, who was full of life and who enjoyed playing.

The family of Paulse have confirmed that the body found in the Liesbeek River on Monday, was that of their missing eight-year-old Abieda.

"We would like to say thank you to the community for all the effort and support they have made. The discovery has brought closure to the family."

Their neighbour, Magdalene Wagenaar said she would always miss her.

"She was a confident child. Though she was cheeky, she always does things correctly when asked to do so."

Wagenaar took and dressed Paulse's teddy bear which she “liked dressing” and placed on the couch as a reminder.

Neighbour Magdalene Wagenaar dressed Abieda’s teddy bear.

While neighbours gathered at Paulse's home, Fatiyah received a phone call from her husband about a body believed to be that of a man who was swept by the canal while trying to save Paulse.

She dropped the phone in tears, and informed her neighbours of the sad news she had just received. Arriving at the scene, there were two police officers with bystanders looking at the floating body.

A body, believed to be that of missing Yusuf Kiriboto, has been found floating in a canal in Hazeldene. Picture: Sisonke Mlamla/Cape Argus

More people, officers and Kiriboto's family arrived at the scene. His niece, Gegeibu Omari confirmed that the body found was that of his uncle’s.

Omari said he noticed the clothes he was wearing that it was his.

"I stayed with him and he used to sleep next to me. I know him very well. I am heartbroken but at least now we saw that he was no more, as we have been worried ever since he went missing."

Omari said they arrived in South Africa 15 years ago.

“Kiriboto left his wife and child back home in Tanzania, because he wanted to work for them."

City Law Enforcement spokesperson Wayne Dyason said at approximately 11am Law Enforcement officers received information from a City Electricity department employee of a body floating in the canal near Jan Smuts Avenue, N2 off ramp.

Dyason said the officers responded and confirmed it was a body. "The police and Forensics services were called to the scene."

Police spokesperson FC Van Wyk said a case was registered for investigation by Athlone police after the body of an unidentified man was found in the canal near Bokmakierie in Athlone. "A post-mortem will be conducted to determine the cause of death and identity."


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