Over 200 000 DStv subscribers sign petition demanding lower premiums

DStv has come under fire from subscribers demanding a decrease in their monthly instalments due to the lack of live sport for broadcast. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)

DStv has come under fire from subscribers demanding a decrease in their monthly instalments due to the lack of live sport for broadcast. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)

Published May 8, 2020


Cape Town - DStv continues to come under fire from subscribers demanding a decrease in their monthly instalments due to the lack of live sport for broadcast.

Subscriber Logan Chetty said: “Why is MultiChoice not reducing their monthly DStv premiums? The company always state that the reason for their high premiums is that they have to pay huge amounts for broadcasting rights for sporting events. Given that most of these sporting events have been cancelled, MultiChoice will be getting refunds for amounts paid.”

Charles Uys added: “Maybe everybody who is a DStv subscriber should flood the media with letters about how they feel about DStv. Maybe if there area lot of letters or SMSes about how people feel about DStv not even lowering their prices, then they will listen.”

Last month, several readers  shared their grievances in the Cape Argus’ letters section.

DStv is now under pressure to respond to its subscribers, particularly when many are struggling to meet their financial obligations.

A petition, which has as many as 200 000 signatures, has been circulating on social media, urging the satellite service to give customers a subscription reprieve.

A petition, which has as many as 200 000 signatures, has been circulating on social media, urging the satellite service to give customers a subscription reprieve.

Sfiso J Gwala, who started the petition, said: “DStv drops prices for the rest of Africa, except South Africa, and now this. We’re being taken for granted here.”

MultiChoice also recently announced that locally produced shows such as Isibaya and Gomora had run out of new episodes to air due to the lockdown.

Subscribers have also vented their frustrations on social media with the hashtag #DstvMustFall.

MultiChoice said: “The company is always looking to provide great value-adds for customers at various time of the year, most recently during the current Covid-19 period, which includes channels being opened up to more customers at lower DStv bouquets and pop-up channels.”



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