Congress of South African Students call to shut schools in Western Cape

The Congress of South African Students (Cosas) wants schools in the province to be shut down and has demanded the Education Department go back to the drawing board.

The Congress of South African Students (Cosas) wants schools in the province to be shut down and has demanded the Education Department go back to the drawing board.

Published Jun 17, 2020


Cape Argus - The Congress of South African Students (Cosas) wants schools in the province to be shut down and has demanded the Education Department go back to the drawing board to ensure pupils are safe at school amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

This came after several teachers across the country had tested positive for Covid-19.

Cosas also called for mass testing of pupils in the province.

Members gathered in protest at Rhodes High School on Monday, where police fired stun grenades to disperse them.

Treasurer-general Michael Mayalo said they wanted to put it on record that they were not giving anyone an option, but they were taking a radical approach. “We will save the lives of innocent scholars by hook or crook.”

Cosas acting provincial chairperson Zandile Matyeni said they were not shaken by lockdown regulations, “we are calling for an immediate state of emergency for the sake of the health of poor pupils.”

Education MEC Debbie Schäfer condemned the statement by Cosas. “First, they have no mandate or authority to close a school. Second, there is enough anxiety at the moment, without this irresponsible and immature action.

“We are just getting schools back, after a two-month break, and this action serves only to try and cause chaos and disruption, which will affect the poorest learners the most,” she said.

Schäfer said if they wanted to be relevant, “they should work with us to assist schools to get back to work, while ensuring the safety measures are in place.

“Parents of learners at a school, as well as all staff, must be informed if there is a confirmed case. This must be done by the principal. They are the only ones directly affected.”

She said they were very aware of the immense pressure their principals were under, and felt publishing (school) names would add to the burden they face.

The Congress of South African Students (Cosas) wants schools in the province to be shut down and has demanded the Education Department go back to the drawing board. Picture: Supplied

Two researchers from Stellenbosch University’s economics department, Professor Servaas van der Berg and Dr Nic Spaull, recently completed a report titled “Counting the Cost: Covid-19 school closures in South Africa and its impact on children.”

Based on their report, given the large social and economic costs of hard lockdowns and wholesale school closures, they would caution against future nationwide lockdowns or school closures, even in the presence of a surge in Covid-19 infections.

“Based on the government’s current plans, by the end of Term 2 (August 7) South African children will have lost between 25% and 57% of the ‘normal’ school days scheduled up to that point as a result of Covid-19 school closures.”

They also found that data showed “at least 50% of learners are in classes that exceed 40 learners per class widespread overcrowding makes practising physical distancing in most classrooms in the country practically impossible We believe the Department of Basic Education should acknowledge that it is not feasible for most schools to practise physical distancing within the classroom.”

The Congress of South African Students (Cosas) wants schools in the province to be shut down and has demanded the Education Department go back to the drawing board. Picture: Supplied.


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Cape Argus

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