Durban is open for business, says eThekwini City Manager

The city of Durban is open for business was the overall message from eThekwini City Manager Musa Mbhele. Picture: Leon Lestrade/ Independent Newspapers

The city of Durban is open for business was the overall message from eThekwini City Manager Musa Mbhele. Picture: Leon Lestrade/ Independent Newspapers

Published Jun 24, 2024


‘Durban is open for business’. This was the message from eThekwini City Manager Musa Mbhele to delegates in New York during the reSURGEnce investment power breakfast session and activation in the US.

Mbhele appraised the US-based business leaders of Durban’s value proposition, presenting potential investors with the Durban Investment Book and reinforcing the city as an attractive destination for business, investment, and tourism.

“We are here to cement linkages between Durban and USA-based investors and businesses.”

“We invite you to work with us, invest with us, reap the enormous benefits that will flow out of this reSURGEnce Conference which will be held in Durban from 17 to 21 July 2024.”

Mbhele shed light on the high impact catalytic projects which were underway in Durban such as the Dube Trade Port and the Whetstone Development, which has an investment value of R54 billion and will create 214,100 jobs.

Other projects include the Keystone Logistics Park in Hammarsdale, Westown in Shongweni and the Dry Port in Cato Ridge, which will inject R33 billion of investment.

MSC South Africa has also opened a new 15,000-square-metre cold storage facility in Durban to improve the handling and storage of perishable goods.

“As the City, we want to forge partnerships where our local investors also exploit opportunities in the United States of America market. This continued appetite by investors to come to our City is a vote of confidence to our rebuilding efforts,” said Mbhele.

The activations and engagements are also a precursor to the reSURGEnce Conference taking place at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in July.

The 2024 instalment of the reSURGEnce Conference is being hosted for the first time on the African continent.

New investments

Following strategic engagements led by Chairperson of the Economic Development and Planning Committee Councillor Thembo Ntuli in the US, the eThekwini Municipality economy is set for a major boost after a pledge of make new investments.

According to the eThekwini Municipality, this is a welcome boost for the City and a vote of confidence in the economic foundations that make Durban a conducive and favourite investment destination.

Meetings are in motion with business leaders and discussions are focused on trade and investment opportunities in various sectors including property development, education, sports, agriculture, arts and culture.

“The City of Durban is a world-class and viable trade and investment destination to members of the diplomatic corps, high net worth individuals and business organisations,” Ntuli said.

IOL Business