Verulam residents tired of waiting for water

Water, taps - and money - have run dry at the uMuziwabantu Municipality, which falls under Ugu district on the lower South Coast. File Picture: Itumeleng English / Independent Newspapers

Water, taps - and money - have run dry at the uMuziwabantu Municipality, which falls under Ugu district on the lower South Coast. File Picture: Itumeleng English / Independent Newspapers

Published Apr 18, 2024


As the 2024 elections loom, the residents of Verulam, in Durban, find themselves battling with the pressing issue that goes above the political divide: water shedding.

The inconsistent supply of water has become a daily reality, disrupting lives, livelihoods, and the overall well-being of the community and was casting a shadow over the upcoming elections.

Some Verulam residents said they have been without piped water for months. Some have lost faith in the authorities.

They said access to clean water was a fundamental human right — a right those in positions of authority should ensure.

Verulam residents have expressed their dissatisfaction and disillusionment with local authorities in response to the water crisis.

Resident, Sifiso Mbatha, said many people complain about being ignored and the apparent lack of urgency in resolving the matter.

“Nothing seems to change, even though we have been promised solutions again and again,’’ said Mbatha.

Nomathamsanqa Mkize added, “Our voices are not being heard and our concerns are being ignored.’’

Another resident Taliah Govender said: “We had to change our whole routine just to get enough water for basic needs. We are physically and emotionally exhausted by this never-ending struggle.’’

“How can we trust politicians who can’t even make sure we have water to drink? We have to demand accountability in this election.’’

Beyond being inconvenient, the water crisis has negatively impacted social cohesion and severely hindered economic activity, a business owner said.

“It's almost impossible to run my shop without a constant water supply to survive. I had to reduce staff and operations which has led to financial losses,” small business owner Lindani Mhlongo said.

As the elections approach, residents of Verulam are demanding urgent attention from political candidates and authorities.

IOL Elections