Deadline looms for applications to vote at another voting station closes this Friday

A voter makes sure he places the ballots in the right box as he casts his votes at Forest Heights High school in Blue Downs. Pictures: Brendan Magaar/Independent Newspapers

A voter makes sure he places the ballots in the right box as he casts his votes at Forest Heights High school in Blue Downs. Pictures: Brendan Magaar/Independent Newspapers

Published May 14, 2024


The deadline for voters to cast their vote outside their registered voting station will close on Friday, May 17.

As the May 2024 elections approach, the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) is imploring citizens who will not be able to cast their vote at the registered voting station to make an application to vote elsewhere with chief electoral officer Sy Mamabolo.

The IEC said people could participate in the electoral process on election day regardless of where they are on the day of the election by voting outside their assigned station.

When voting at their assigned station, this option is beneficial for people who are on the road, temporarily residing somewhere other than their designated address, or experiencing unforeseen circumstances.

To exercise their right to vote outside their designated station, eligible voters must apply to vote at another voting station by submitting a Section 24A application at their local IEC office or via the online voter registration portal.

The application process typically requires individuals to specify their alternative voting location.

Once their application is approved, voters will receive instructions on where to cast their ballots.

The deadline of May 17 serves as a critical reminder for voters to plan and ensure they have the opportunity to cast their ballots wherever they may be on election day.

It encourages proactive engagement and underscores the importance of every vote in shaping the future of the nation.

According to IEC If you vote inside the province where you are registered, you will receive three (3) ballot papers.

These are the National, Regional, and Provincial ballot papers and if you vote outside the province where you are registered, you will receive the National ballot paper only.

“If you do not submit a Section 24A notification to the Electoral Commission by May 17, then you will not be able to vote outside of your voting district at another voting station on Election Day, May 29. You will unfortunately only be able to vote at the voting district and station at which you are registered,’’ said the commission.

Check your current district and voting station status by entering your 13-digit identity number to get your current registration details.

IOL Elections