In conversation with Vikram Prabhu: the son of actor Prabhu and the grandson of the legendary Sivaji Ganesan

Mala Lutchmanan

Mala Lutchmanan

Published Dec 1, 2023


VIKRAM Prabhu’s latest movie Irugapatru is receiving rave reviews worldwide. The movie is still running to full houses in Chennai.

Vikram, a sought after actor, is the son of actor Prabhu and the grandson of the legendary Sivaji Ganesan. He has proved himself by taking on a variety of roles. From his debut in Kumki to his latest release Irugupatru, Vikram has proved to be one of a few actors who are commercially viable. 

Mala Lutchmanan’s (ML) recent interview with Vikram Prabhu (VP):

ML: Congratulations on the success of Irugapatru. Tell me about the movie?

VP: Thank you. The director decided on the title. It means to ‘hold on to tightly.’ It is a title that is appropriate for the movie. When the director told me the story, I accepted to be a part of this movie. I saw this as my duty. And to see the way the public is embracing and celebrating the movie, this makes me very happy and I am glad I accepted the role. Having said that, I must stress that this was a team effort.

ML: You come from a family of superstars, Your dad continues to deliver hits and your grandfather is the legendary Sivaji Ganasen. Was there any pressure on you to deliver?

VP: Initially, there was no pressure but after the release of the movie Kumki, which turned out to be a monster hit, my dad’s fans and grandather’s fans applauded my performance. I was then pressurised to deliver. But the fans were so endearing and accepted me as part of one in their families. They motivated me to give more sterling performances. As a result, I try to do varied and different roles.

ML: You studied abroad (completing an MBA). How were those days?

VP: I studied at San Diego University. It was one of those universities that offered a Master’s in theatre. My initial degree was in engineering. For the Master’s, the university offered courses in film and media. Theatre was not even in the list of courses offered. I attended a few classes and then realised that this was where my passion was and I decided to go with where my passion lay. Studying abroad widened my outlook on life and I am forever indebted to my family for affording me the opportunity.

ML: What is your all time favourite movie and song?

VP: There are a few but my grandfather’s Deiva Magan is my favourite movie. Even if I watch it now, the wonderful screenplay, the emotions expressed and the staging of each character are unmatched. This movie is a timeless piece of art. With regard to the songs, there are too many to cite.

ML: Who is your favourite actor/actress?

VP: My dad, of course. His charm and off and onscreen presence are something I admire. He is a wonderful father and I am a fan of all his works.

ML: What will a day in the life of Vikram Prabhu be like?

VP: I keep my Sundays free for family. I put my phone aside and devote the entire day to my family. I love my work but if one does not balance work and family, all the successful movies one acts in becomes pointless.

ML: You have worked with some of the great names in the industry in the movie Ponniyan Selvan. What was this experience like?

VP: Director Mani Ratnam watched a movie of mine and liked the role I played and invited me to meet with him at his office. I was overjoyed. Here is an ace director, who is offering me a role in his dream project. Shooting for this movie was an amazing experience. I worked alongside my dad. That was priceless. I also worked with Aishwarya Rai. This was on my bucket list. I am glad to have ticked that off my bucket list.

ML: Many thanks for making the time to talk to us. I wish you more success.

VP: My pleasure. I am looking forward to sharing more with our movie goers in South Africa.

Mala Lutchmanan is a presenter/producer at Lotus FM, an ex-educator, PhD student and author. Listen to her on the Best of Kodambakkam on Lotus FM on Sundays between 1pm and 3pm.


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