ANC Top Six to meet with #SupraMahumapelo

North West premier Supra Mahumapelo. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/ANA

North West premier Supra Mahumapelo. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/ANA

Published May 3, 2018


Johannesburg - ANC national officials are set to meet with North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo to discuss options to resolve the issues affecting the province following weeks of violent protests. 

The ANC's National Working Committee (NWC) made the decision on Wednesday after a meeting. 

North West residents have demanded that Mahumapelo be removed as premier because of allegations of corruption and lack of service delivery. 

Mahumapelo was scheduled to face a motion of no confidence two weeks ago, but the motion was postponed as the EFF approached the courts to force the speaker of the North West Legislature to hold the vote in secret. 



On Wednesday EFF leader Julius Malema hinted that the party had abandoned its court bid and would instead write to the speaker and ask that the motion be heard soon as possible. 

The EFF had wanted the vote to be held in secret so that ANC caucus members who were unhappy with Mahumapelo could be protected through a secret ballot vote. 

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The Mail&Guardian reported that the NWC had resolved to recall Mahumapelo and that an urgent NEC meeting will be held next week to discuss the matter. 

Mahumapelo has denied allegations of corruption and claimed that calls for his removal were motivated by individuals who wanted a share of the province's resources. 

Last week cabinet approved that the North West department of health and the treasury be put under administration of national government due to concerns about how the departments were run. 

The health department in the province had been facing increased pressure in recent weeks due to a strike by Nehawu. 

The SANDF had brought its health unit to assist public hospitals in the province. 

The NWC has also approved the convening of provincial and regional conferences in line with the decision taken by the NEC.

Political Bureau

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