Tot survives hail of bullets

Cape Town-09-04-2012 :A 4 year old girl who survive the double murder that occuered in Phillippi last night when three men entered the house and allegdely started shooting to the occupeinds of the house killing the owner and her nicey one was badly injuried.Picture Mlondolozi Mbolo reporter Mpumi Kiva

Cape Town-09-04-2012 :A 4 year old girl who survive the double murder that occuered in Phillippi last night when three men entered the house and allegdely started shooting to the occupeinds of the house killing the owner and her nicey one was badly injuried.Picture Mlondolozi Mbolo reporter Mpumi Kiva

Published Apr 11, 2012


A little baby had a miracle escape after three gunmen ambushed her family, killing her mother and aunt instantly.

Nokwanda Komani, 35, and her sister Gcobisa Komani, 24, died inside their three-room shack in Browns Farm, Cape Town, after three unknown gunmen opened fire on them on Monday.

The two died with multiple bullet wounds to their heads and bodies.

Little Anakho Komani, two, cried in terror while she was clinging tightly to her bloodied aunt.

Her cousin Sihle Komani, 17, is fighting for his life after also being shot.

Nyanga police spokeswoman Captain Ntomboxolo Sitshitshi says no arrests have been made and they are investigating a double murder and a case of attempted murder.

When the Daily Voice visited the Britos Street, Browns Farm, house, it was still covered in blood.

Blood was splattered on the floor from the bedroom to the kitchen and was the only grim indication of the shooting.

The family says nothing was stolen during the shooting.

A close member of the family who preferred to remain anonymous, tells the Daily Voice the murderers came to kill because nothing was taken from the victims.

“We still don’t know what actually happened, we are puzzled,” she says.

“We lost members of the family and one is still in hospital.

“Nothing was taken from them, they just came to kill them.”

Neighbour Ayanda Vukubi, 38, says that he was watching the evening news when he heard gunshots and a woman screaming.

“I was watching news at 7.30pm when I heard the gunshots. There was a woman screaming for help,” he says.

“When I went inside, I saw the baby crying while lying on top of her bleeding aunt on the floor.

“She just couldn’t stop crying.

“There was just blood everywhere.

“The mother was lying next to her bed with bullet wounds to the body.

“She was a good neighbour, everybody loved her,” Ayanda says.

* Call Sgt Bamba with any info on 078 396 7221.

Daily Voice

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