Applicants for R350 grant urged not to change bank details before approval

Lindiwe Zulu. Picture: Linda Mthombeni

Lindiwe Zulu. Picture: Linda Mthombeni

Published Oct 11, 2022


Durban - The Department of Social Development has again urged applicants for the Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) R350 grant not to change bank details frequently because every new account must be verified

Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu said once banking details are loaded or updated, applicants should wait for a response from their bank before changing them on the system.

“With regards to payments, we are still having challenges with beneficiaries who upload incorrect bank details. We also urge all approved applicants who are not yet paid to check the status of bank verification, and if needs be, correct their banking details,” said Zulu.

Minister Zulu held a media briefing in Pretoria recently to give an update on the SRD grant.

According to Zulu nearly 7.5 million people are receiving the benefit on a monthly basis.

“As we are approaching the levels of support and coverage that we committed to, namely 10.5 million people, we also need to be cautious not to over commit government to levels of funding that are beyond the allocated budget,” Zulu said.

She said it was in the interest of those without an income, unemployable and vulnerable sections of the country’s population for the implementation of the Covid-19 SRD, to improve.

“Equally, we note that the vast majority of South Africans prefer to be in employment. Until such time that the economy has sufficiently grown, we cannot helplessly sit by and watch people lose their dignity.”