Forbes family statement slamming Melinda Ferguson’s new book stirs mixed reactions

Tony and Lynn Forbes AKA’s parents.JPG

Tony and Lynn Forbes AKA’s parents.JPG

Published Apr 16, 2024


Slain rapper AKA's parents, Tony and Lynn Forbes, released a media statement on Monday to clarify that they do not endorse or have any association with Melinda Ferguson's new book 'When Love Kills: The Tragic Tale of AKA and Anele'.

They also declined to contribute to the book when approached by Ferguson.

The Forbes family in their statement shared that they find the timing and publication of the book “distasteful and opportunistic”.

The third anniversary of Anele Tembe's passing has been marked with various interviews and the announcement of Ferguson's book has attracted a lot of attention.

While Anele's family, the Tembe’s, have permitted Ferguson to write the book, the Forbes family has not given their blessing.

This has divided public opinion with some supporting Ferguson's attempt to tell the story, while others think she is exploiting it.

Ferguson has defended her intentions, stating that the book is an attempt to understand a story about two people who fell into a "toxic love" relationship.

The book shares some details about AKA and Anele's troubled relationship, including an incident where Anele allegedly threw her engagement ring at AKA a month after he paid lobola for her.

The book also suggests that Anele was uneasy about DJ Zinhle, the mother of AKA's daughter Kairo, and that the couple argued about her the night before Anele's death.

— Ole (@Olewithnotweets) April 13, 2024

Anele's father, Moses, is also quoted in the book stating that his daughter had reported that the rapper was allegedly hurting her, but he did not intervene.

What are your thoughts on Ferguson’s book, should she have written it?

IOL Entertainment