The fun of going under

Andre the Hilarious Hypnotist

Andre the Hilarious Hypnotist

Published Jul 30, 2013


HER journey with hypnotic mayhem started on a very sceptical note, with Durban’s Daniella de Azevedo (pictured) volunteering to be hypnotised to see if it was possible.

That was last year when Andre the Hilarious Hypnotist toured Durban and she became one of his newest fans. “I’d seen the posters, but that didn’t move me to go see the show. It wasn’t until one of the ladies I work with was talking about one of his shows which she’d attended.

Her stories had me crying with laughter. I was very sceptical, but had to go and see it,” she said. And so she made her way to the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre where she volunteered to be hypnotised during a show.

“I actually didn’t get hypnotised on that occasion and was a bit disappointed. But Andre explained the different levels of hypnotism, so I understood why I felt like I was almost there, but just not quite.”

Almost convinced that perhaps hypnotism was possible, De Azevedo was determined to give it another go. “The very next day I went to Computicket to book again. It was the last show and I managed to get the last three tickets. We were seated right at the back, but I told my friend if need be I would throw my bag on the floor and run to that stage to be selected,” she laughed.

Perseverance paid off for De Azevedo, who not only made it on to the stage again, but actually was hypnotised.

“You feel extremely relaxed. People think that when you are hypnotised you can’t remember anything, but you are 100 percent aware of everything you are doing. It’s just that your body and state of mind are more relaxed,” she said.

From being Beyonce to a tumble dryer – he named it, she did it: “I can be a bit crazy sometimes, but I would never be so bold as to do what I did under hypnosis.

“I was even a Bollywood dancer and a member of the Black Eyed Peas in a live concert. When I watched the DVD recording of that show the next day, I couldn’t believe I actually did those things in public,” chuckled De Azevedo.

And now, the sceptic-turned-believer has turned recruiter.

“I’ve shown my family and my boyfriend my DVD. I’ve been waiting all year for Andre’s show to come back to Durban and I want them to come with me. I’m trying to convince them to volunteer,” she laughed.

Andre returns to the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre from Tuesdays to Saturdays at 7.30pm and Sundays at 3pm from August 6 to August 25. He then moves to Pietermaritz-burg’s Hexagon Theatre from August 27 to 30.

• Tickets R90 at Computicket. R65 for students, pensioners and children under the age of 12.

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