Bang Bang Club doing big things abroad

LOCAL IS LEKKER: Actors Frank Rautenbach, left, who portrayed Ken Oosterbroek, and Neels van Jaarsveld, who played Jo�o Silva, stand in front of a poster for the movie The Bang Bang Club. Picture: Antoine de Ras

LOCAL IS LEKKER: Actors Frank Rautenbach, left, who portrayed Ken Oosterbroek, and Neels van Jaarsveld, who played Jo�o Silva, stand in front of a poster for the movie The Bang Bang Club. Picture: Antoine de Ras

Published Jan 25, 2012


The Bang Bang Club, a movie about four South African photojournalists working during apartheid, has been nominated seven times for a Canadian movie award.

It was nominated for best performance by an actor in a supporting role, best cinematography, best art direction/production design, best direction, best music, best overall sound, and best adapted screenplay, the distribution company Indigenous Film Distribution said on Tuesday.

“The film combines action and drama and pays tribute to the bravery of photojournalists.”

The motion picture tells the story of Ken Oosterbroek, Kevin Carter, Joao Silva, and Greg Marinovich, who became renowned for documenting events in South Africa during apartheid.

The four were dubbed “The Bang Bang Club”. It was based on book by the same name co-written by Marinovich and Silva, the only two surviving members of the group.

In 2010, Silva was working for the New York Times covering the war in Afghanistan when he stepped on a landmine and lost both legs below the knees.

The 32nd Annual Genie Awards, Canada's equivalent of the Oscars, would be announced in Toronto on March 8. - Sapa

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