Foodies reveal the modern food trends they cannot stand

Hot honey is a versatile ingredient that can be used to add flavour and heat to a variety of dishes. Picture: Pexels

Hot honey is a versatile ingredient that can be used to add flavour and heat to a variety of dishes. Picture: Pexels

Published May 16, 2024


Food trends come and go and while some are welcomed with open arms, others, not so much.

Everyone eventually hits their breaking point once they have scrolled past the tenth feta pasta recipe they have seen that day.

So when one Redditor asked the AskReddit community to share the food trend they wished would disappear, people were eager to share theirs.

Here are a few they mentioned.

One user wrote: “The charcoal-infused food trend is one I’m ready to see disappear. It looks cool but tastes off.”

Charcoal bread. Picture: Supplied

Overshadowing the playful colours of unicorn foods, in 2017 the black food trend lit up the food scene and kept rising in popularity as anything from drinks to ice creams and even burgers took a darker twist.

Before this trend, having your food compared to charcoal would have been an insult. Now kitchen professionals are serving up charcoal foods willy nilly.

Activated charcoal is often used as an ingredient to add flavour (and colour) but it is also credited with many health benefits.

A second user wrote: “Deconstructing! And don't get me wrong, I love fine dining. I just think it is lazy and unimaginative 99% of the time.”

Whether you are a beginner chef, looked for new recipes to try out, or dined out in the past couple of years, you have probably heard of deconstructed food. Picture: Pexels/Eliftekkaya

Whether you are a beginner chef, looked for new recipes to try out, or have dined out in the past couple of years, you have probably heard of deconstructed food.

Deconstructing food is basically simplifying a dish to its main ingredients, and then presenting the dish in an intriguing manner.

Nowadays, deconstructed food is everywhere. Most restaurants offer some form of disassembled dish, to keep up with the culinary trend. However, deconstructed food was a form of haute cuisine.

Diners flocked to certain Michelin restaurants to try artisanal deconstructed dishes, before they became mainstream.

A third user commented: “Gold on food.”

The obsession with edible gold has taken the luxury cuisine world by storm. Picture: Pexels/Tara Winstead

The obsession with edible gold has taken the luxury cuisine world by storm, as flavourless, odourless, non-toxic, edible gold is used as a garnish for desserts, cocktails, and even main courses such as hamburgers and sushi.

The use of edible gold is nothing new. In fact, people have been eating gold for centuries.

Whether for presumed health purposes, religious rituals, or simply as a grand display of wealth, many cultures around the world have a history of consuming precious metals.

Ancient Egyptians revered gold for its divine properties and believed that it could purify the body, mind, and spirit.

A fourth user wrote: “Hot honey. Like it’s good but not on everything.”

Hot honey is a versatile ingredient that can be used to add flavour and heat to a variety of dishes. Picture: Pexels

According to FoodTikTok, hot honey is a delicious condiment that combines the sweetness of honey with the spiciness of chilli peppers.

It is a versatile ingredient that can be used to add flavour and heat to a variety of dishes, including chicken, pizza, and even cocktails. Hot honey is made by infusing honey with chilli peppers, which gives it a unique and complex flavour profile.

It is a popular choice among foodies and those who enjoy experimenting with new flavours in their cooking.