League site hacked again

ANC Youth League spokesman Floyd Shivambu. Photo: Bongiwe Mchunu

ANC Youth League spokesman Floyd Shivambu. Photo: Bongiwe Mchunu

Published Aug 26, 2011


The ANC Youth League is to lodge a complaint with police about the hacking of its website on Thursday night, which purportedly carried a letter from its embattled president Julius Malema in a scathing attack on President Jacob Zuma “and his white friends”.

“You will see my conrades (sic) nothing will happen to me. I Dare the ANC, Jacob Zuma, Hawks, Public Protector or the Police to come after me.

“I will bury you,” read the “Letter of the President of the ANCYL”.

But an irate league ANCYL spokesman Floyd Shivambu rejected it as fake.

“We’ve been hacked before, but this time it’s really bad. We are determined that this time the police must catch the hackers. We must put a stop to this kind of thing,” said Shivambu.

The letter even has Malema admitting to taking bribes: “Jacob and his white friends should know when to back off. I will even admit here that I took money to secure contracts for friends and family because I knew they could do the job and only rich men can make a difference. Why shouldn’t I become rich off Jacob and his white friends?” – Cape Times

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