Gupta brothers will not appear at #EskomInquiry

Ajay and Atul Gupta File picture: Independent Media

Ajay and Atul Gupta File picture: Independent Media

Published Mar 12, 2018


Johannesburg - The Gupta brothers will not testify at the Eskom Inquiry on Tuesday as they are not in the country. 


Lawyers representing the Guptas told the chairperson of The Public Enterprises Committee Zukiswa Rantho that the brothers will not appear at the Eskom Inquiry as they are currently not in the country. 

The committee had summoned the family to Parliament to answer questions on allegations that they used their political connections to former president Jacob Zuma to benefit from business dealings at Eskom. 



Hawks hunt Duduzane in wake of #GuptaArrests

Duduzane Zuma was also summoned, it's unclear whether he will appear before the committee.


The Gupta brothers' whereabouts are unknown, as they are also being sought by the Hawks for charges related to the Estina Dairy Farm project.

Former SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni will also not appear before the committee. This is the third time that the Myeni has failed to appear before the committee.

Also read: 



Last week, she told MPs that she was booked off sick by her doctor and would not be able to appear.


She made the same excuse this time around, saying she was still booked off sick.


The City Press Newspaper reported on Sunday that Myeni was seen last week Tuesday, the day she was meant to appear in Parliament, having drinks at lavish hotel in Pretoria.

Political Bureau

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