Nhlanhla Nene quits as ANC MP

Nhlanhla Nene has quit as ANC MP after he had earlier resigned as Finance Minister. Picture: Elmond Jiyane/GCIS

Nhlanhla Nene has quit as ANC MP after he had earlier resigned as Finance Minister. Picture: Elmond Jiyane/GCIS

Published Oct 19, 2018


Cape Town - Nhlanhla Nene has quit as ANC MP after he had earlier resigned as Finance Minister.

ANC chief whip Jackson Mthembu confirmed on Friday that Nene has left his position as an ordinary member of Parliament.

Nene left the Finance Ministry two weeks ago after his testimony in the Zondo Commission of Inquiry into state capture on his meetings with the Guptas.

In his resignation letter, Nene thanked the ANC for deploying him in the national legislature. He also thanked Mthembu for his role in his time as MP. 

“I take this opportunity to thank you for the working relationship we have had during my tenure as a member of parliament. I am also indebted to the ANC and the people of South Africa for having given me the opportunity to serve our country in my capacity as an elected representative,” said Nene.

Mthembu said they also welcomed the appointment of Tito Mboweni as new Finance Minister and were looking forward to his Medium Term Budget Policy Statement next Wednesday.

This will be Mboweni’s maiden speech in the national legislature when he presents the MTBPS.

Political Bureau

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