8 unique career options to suit your personalities and abilities

A jewellery designer plans the style and pattern of jewellery. Pic: Google Image Search

A jewellery designer plans the style and pattern of jewellery. Pic: Google Image Search

Published Mar 23, 2022


Do you feel you are stuck in a run-of-the-mill job? Below are eight unique careers as adapted from the Oxford Academy.

1. Beekeeper

As a beekeeper, you will play an essential role in ensuring the supply of products such as honey, wax and specialised beauty products. Most professional beekeepers have some sort of qualification in agriculture or zoology.

2. Antique appraiser

If old and valuable objects fascinate you, then being an antique appraiser could be the perfect job for you. You may need some type of financial qualification

3. Drone pilot

In the modern world, drones are used for a number of purposes. These range from land surveillance to photography and videography, search and rescue missions and even deliveries. You will need to get a pilot’s licence to fly unmanned aerial vehicles.

4. Bodyguard

This job certainly requires some bravery, and you’ll usually need the right physical attributes too. A qualification in security will set you up for a job in this field.

5. Food critic

Imagine being able to eat at top-class restaurants for a living! Food critics get to do just this. A qualification in hospitality and writing will therefore prepare you for a job as a food critic.

6. Jewellery designer

As a jewellery designer, you’ll plan the style and pattern of jewellery, such as necklaces, rings, bracelets and other pieces.

7. Aircraft marshaller

Aircraft marshallers are responsible for safely guiding aeroplanes and helicopters before departure and after landing. You’ll need to take a specialised course to become an aircraft marshaller.

8. Snake handler

While many people get shivers at the mere thought of a snake, others have a fondness for these unique creatures. To become a snake handler, you need to take part in a snake handling course.

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