Sandile Mantsoe must be given maximum jail sentence

While a maximum jail sentence will not bring Karabo Mokoena back to life, Sandile Mantsoe must be given maximum jail sentence with no option for parole. Picture: Facebook

While a maximum jail sentence will not bring Karabo Mokoena back to life, Sandile Mantsoe must be given maximum jail sentence with no option for parole. Picture: Facebook

Published May 3, 2018


Johannesburg - The African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) welcomes the ruling of the High Court in Johannesburg on Sandile Mantsoe and calls for maximum jail sentence with no option to parole. 

Judge Peet Johnson has found that the State proved beyond reasonable doubt that Karabo Mokoena was murdered by her boyfriend Sandile. In trying to destroy evidence he dumped and burned her body. Sandile's gruesome acts did not only deny Karabo the right to life but also inflicted pain to her families, relatives and friends. Also those barbaric gruesome acts contributed in painting a negative picture of South Africa as a country harboring men who kills women and burn them to ashes and show no little remorse. 

The ANCWL is unapologetic in calling for maximum jail sentences for those convicted for the barbaric gruesome killings of women and all forms of gender-based violence. No judge must have a single iota of mercy when sentencing such monsters. While it will not bring back Karabo to life, Sandile must be given maximum jail sentence with no option for parole for his gruesome killing of Karabo. With his web of lies trying to paint Karabo as suicidal and depressed, Sandile did not show any remorse for his actions that took away life of a young women. There is no sign that he might not commit the same gruesome act if given lesser sentence with option to parole. 

The ANCWL congratulates the State for getting conviction and for the sake of Karabo and many women who are abused and killed daily in South Africa the Judge must have no mercy on Sandile. He must be given maximum jail sentence with no option to parole. That might serve as a deterrent to others  who are thinking of committing such barbaric gruesome acts. 

Society must unite and make sure that the gruesome killings of women and all forms of gender based violence comes to an end. Perpetrators must be locked in jails for women, children, gays and lesbians to enjoy their full human rights as citizens. 

* Meokgo Matuba is secretary general of the ANC Women's League.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

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