Dreading lengthy voting lines on election day? Here are some survival tips

Brand and campaign manager at One Day Only Jonathan Spencer provides survival tips for election day. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso/Independent Newspapers

Brand and campaign manager at One Day Only Jonathan Spencer provides survival tips for election day. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso/Independent Newspapers

Published May 16, 2024


The “new dawn” general elections on May 29 have South Africans eagerly anticipating enthroning their chosen political parties.

On election day, queues are expected to be lengthy as people line up to mark their “X”. Thus, Jonathan Spencer, a brand and campaign manager at One Day Only, provided tips to survive the long queues while waiting to vote.

“While voting stands out as one of the year’s most fundamental activities, the long lines can be off-putting. But, that need not be the case this election day. Let these tips assist you in preparing for the inevitable wait at polling stations,” said Spencer.

Spencer indicated that staying hydrated and warm is important as winter is approaching. Despite the cold weather, people must have bottles of water or something to drink while waiting.

“With the possibility of the sun making a last-minute appearance and queues stretching seemingly into infinity, staying hydrated is crucial,” said Spencer.

He further said that while voting lines keep stretching, people should have a stash of snacks to keep their energy levels up.

Additionally, Spencer explained that for content creators, cellphones must be fully charged, with a power bank for an additional boost when your battery goes flat.

“Queueing does not have to be boring. Make the most of your wait time by immersing yourself in a captivating true crime podcast. If audio books are more your thing, queue up your favourite stories while you patiently await your turn to cast your vote.

“Do not let a dead battery silence your voice on election day. Ensure your phone stays powered up with a portable power bank to capture the momentous occasion. How else are you going to take a cute selfie to document your participation? You might want to bring along your selfie stick to get the whole squad in, #SquadGoals,” he said.

In case of a possible occurrence of political disputes, Spencer advised people to shy away from wearing politically affiliated T-shirts.

“Avoid wearing bright colours like yellow, green, red, black, white and blue. If you find yourself weary of hearing all the different political opinions and want to block out the noise, consider bringing along a pair of earphones and have a curated playlist ready to help you zone out and stay calm during the wait.

“This can help create a more peaceful environment and allow you to concentrate on the task at hand without distractions. With these essential survival tips, you will be well prepared to conquer the queue and make your voice heard on election day,” said Spencer.

As a side note, he reminded people to not forget their identity documents.

The Star