LETTER: Cyril Ramaphosa’s policies have stifled SA’s economic growth

Published Mar 1, 2022


The president, by his own admission, has morphed into a chronic insomniac, as he lies awake thinking of all the jobless people in this country.

The thing is this ... his government’s stifling economic policies have, over time, eroded the will of entrepreneurs and large businesses to invest, thereby creating employment opportunities.

His SONA speech was a wish list.. .a pipe dream, devoid of reality and substance. No one believed a single word he uttered!

Having been a businessman himself, he should know that creating opportunities is not easy... He and his government need to recreate a positive business environment by immediately removing all the statutory nonsense that has strangled the economy.

Funding models for easier access to start-up loans by wannabe businessmen, should become a priority. This economy will be driven by young, energetic entrepreneurs who have so many great and innovative ideas to unleash on this dying economy.

The economy... like the Phoenix ... shall rise up from the ashes of despair that has been thrust upon us since 1994.

Peter Bachtis  Benoni

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cyril ramaphosa