Food looted by angry community members from Gauteng high school after death of learners

Angry community members looted food at David Makhubo High School in Kaalfontein in Gauteng after a Grade 12 learner collapsed during a memorial service of Grade 10 learner who had died due to illness. File Picture

Angry community members looted food at David Makhubo High School in Kaalfontein in Gauteng after a Grade 12 learner collapsed during a memorial service of Grade 10 learner who had died due to illness. File Picture

Published May 13, 2024


Gauteng Education member of the executive council (MEC), Matome Chiloane, “regrettably” confirmed the tragic loss of two learners from David Makhubo High School in Kaalfontein.

A Grade 12 learner collapsed and died on Thursday, during the memorial service for a Grade 10 boy learner who had passed away from an illness.

The Grade 10 learner died on May 2.

Gauteng education department spokesperson, Steve Mabona, said the Grade 12 boy collapsed inside the school yard.

Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane. File Picture: Timothy Bernard/Independent Media

“Educators were promptly alerted by learners of this incident, and despite the initial assumption of that the learner fainted, the situation was grave. Emergency services were called, and the learner's parents were informed,” said Mabona.

He said “out of a need to maintain calm”, the collapse of the Grade 12 learner was not immediately disclosed to the people gathered at the memorial service of the Grade 10 boy “to prevent panic”.

“Regrettably, the (Grade 12) learner did not survive, and this news was disclosed at an assembly on the following day, on Friday, May 10, 2024,” said Mabona.

“Before the announcement could be made, some learners, overwhelmed by the unfolding events, experienced fainting spells. This incident has been captured in videos that have since gone viral on social media platforms.”

Additionally, Mabona said on Friday, chaos ensued when some community members entered the school premises.

“In the turmoil, there were instances of learners being driven out of school grounds and unfortunate acts of looting of school resources, including food supplies from the National School Nutrition Programme,” he said.

“Circuit management were on site on Thursday to oversee the handling of the situation post-collapse, and on Friday during the assembly and subsequent disruptions.”

Police in Gauteng are investigating the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of the Grade 12 learner.

Meanwhile, Chiloane said all efforts were being made to understand the sequence of events which led to the death of the learner.

“We wish to extend our sincerest condolences to the bereaved families following these tragic incidents. Currently, our priority is to provide all necessary support to the learners, staff, and families impacted by these tragedies,” he said.

“Counselling services and other forms of support are being extended to assist the school community during this incredibly difficult time.”

Last week, Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga and Chiloane visited Eqinisweni Secondary School, in Gauteng, following the suicide of four learners.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga. File Picture: Supplied

The deceased learners are three girls and one boy.

At the time, national spokesperson for the education department, Elijah Mhlanga said a Grade 10 learner reportedly rushed to a local clinic April 26, where she was declared dead.

“A Grade 11 girl learner was found dead at home, by her parents, on Thursday, May 2. On Friday May 3, a Grade 11 boy learner was hospitalised and also sadly passed away while receiving medical attention. The fourth learner, who was in Grade 12 passed away while being transported to a nearby clinic on Sunday May 5,” said Mhlanga.

“All the learners are believed to have consumed a poisonous substance, which led to their untimely demise.”