Team SA promised cash rewards for Olympic success in Paris

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa. Picture: Jacques Naude/ Independent Newspapers

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa. Picture: Jacques Naude/ Independent Newspapers

Published May 16, 2024


“Go for gold, and remember the significance of whom and what you represent. You represent the country; it is not about yourself. In many other countries, they think it is about winning – for you, it is about the aspirations of the country.”

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa was in his element on Wednesday as he addressed the athletes selected to represent South Africa at the Paris Olympics during the first of three reveals of Team South Africa members at Sascoc House in Houghton, Johannesburg.

Referring to findings from a Global Reputation Study conducted by Bloom Consultancy, Kodwa highlighted that national assets such as arts and culture stood as formidable brands. Notably, sports ranked the highest and most important, while also showing the most improvement.

He emphasised the importance for athletes to recognise the pivotal role in shaping the international perception of the nation as they compete on the global stage.

“That is the impact you have as athletes when you participate globally.

And I am here to express my pride and joy in the role sport played, and continues to play, in building South Africa – the positive mood sport inspires the nation. It fosters nationhood, national unity and cohesiveness.”

In their endeavour to encourage the athletes to top performances, Sascoc announced an incentive scheme for those who bring home medals.

Those who emulate the likes of Penny Heyns and Josiah Thugwane – who brought home gold medals from the 1996 Games in Atlanta and were singled out by Kodwa for their pioneering ways – stand to swell their bank accounts by R400 000, with their coaches due a cool R100 000. A silver medal will earn an athlete R200 000 and coach R50 000, while the last spot on the podium will be rewarded with R75 000 and R25 000 respectively.

Sascoc will next week unveil the Olympic kit, with a further two separate announcements of the rest of the squad scheduled for later.

Cape Times