Sanco irked by unilateral ANC North West revision of candidates nomination lists

Published May 12, 2018


Mahikeng - The unilateral revision of the African National Congress North West provincial legislature candidates nomination list without consultation with alliance partners is a divisive act that undermines unity, the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) in the North West said on Saturday.

“The latest development and rumoured intended purge of members of the provincial legislature who have been vocal against allegations of corruption have not only deepened the current leadership crisis in the province, but have also confirmed the extent to which organisational structures are being used to institutionalise factionalism, weaken oversight, including accountability structures, and advance the [premier Supra] Mahumapelo fight back strategy,” Sanco North West chairman Paul Sebegoe said.

Sanco was concerned that marginalising alliance structures and undermining communities would cost the ANC dearly in the 2019 national and provincial elections, he said.

"We call on the ANC NEC [national executive committee] to intervene decisively in the current impasse in order to restore public confidence in governance and the ruling party. Organisational renewal and consolidation of elections structure must be prioritised while interventions at government level and investigations into alleged corruption which is robbing our communities of services unfolds,” Sebegoe said.  

The ANC should not allow itself to be held to ransom by those who would stop at nothing to evade accountability, he said.

African News Agency/ANA

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