Here's how Durban funnymen are helping us 'breathe through the wound'

Durban comedians, Jem Atkins and Mo Vawda Picture: Facebook

Durban comedians, Jem Atkins and Mo Vawda Picture: Facebook

Published Mar 25, 2020


Durban - With the barrage of news articles and fake news circulating about Covid-19, a Durban comedian has made it his mission to remind people to "laugh through the pain".

Well-known local funny man, Jem Atkins, has created a Facebook group called Rock the Lockdown SA as an escape from all the news about Covid-19 and the upcoming 21-day lockdown which has set fear and panic into the hearts of many across the country. 

Also boasting more than 900 members, Rock the Lockdown, is all about spreading good vibes only. 

"As South Africans when there's a crisis or when we are stressed, we make jokes. We share memes. We use humour to deal. I see my role as a comedian, a content creator and an entertainer to look passed the morose, 'woe is us' and people freaking out to say 'hey guys, here is a joke. The groups aims to get people to laugh and forget about our worries for a bit.

Atkins said apart from the funny stories and memes, the group also allows people to share tips and have fun. 

"We are basically all in this together. It's like we, through the internet, are stuck in a room together," he said. 

Atkins said he has often used humour to deal with life's pain. 

"If there is something going on, I use humour to deal with it," he said. 

Atkins recalled how he went on to write a whole show based on his divorce, titled "Single Dad".

Along with another Durban comedian, Mo Vawda and videographer, Prashant Pillay, Atkins has created a series called "Corona Diaries" in which they provide comic relief. The second episode of Corona Diaries will be out soon. More info can be found on Atkins' Facebook page. 

The Mercury

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