The benefits of eating plant-based

Published Jan 27, 2022


Several studies have shown that enjoying a plant-based diet can offer various health benefits, such as reducing your risk of heart disease and aiding in weight loss.

A diet consisting primarily of whole foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, legumes and whole grains offers a mirage of additional benefits that you probably didn’t know about. Before we delve further, a quick reminder to always consult with your doctor or nutritionist before starting a new eating plan.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Your diet preferences can have an impact on your mood and mental health, and there’s a pretty good reason for this. It all comes down to your diet and how it affects the health of your gut bacteria, which produce some of the hormones situated in your brain. Since your gut’s bacteria thrive on fibre and there is no fibre in meat, it’s no surprise that swapping some of your meat heavy meals for plant-based alternatives can positively impact your mental health and well-being.

Reduces carbon footprint

Switching to a plant-based diet is not only good for your health but also the earth’s health. In a 2018 study conducted at the University of Oxford, research shows that switching to a plant-based diet could be the “single biggest way’’ to get on track to reducing your environmental impact and carbon footprint.

Research has also shown that by simply cutting dairy and meat out of your diet and switching to healthier meat alternatives such as the Fry’s selection, you could potentially reduce your carbon footprint by up to 70%.

Could possibly alleviate menstrual pain

Menstrual pains can be the worst! From the intense stomach cramps to sharp pains, many women know the struggle all too well. Studies have shown that by following a plant-based eating plan, you could decrease your body’s inflammation.

Foods that are known to reduce inflammatory

  • Tomato
  • Pepper
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach

Improve your gut

When it comes to eating healthily, vegan and plant-based diets have been known to improve gut health as well as your overall health. Opting for more nutritional wholefood products has the potential to boost your metabolism, strengthen your immune system, and encourage healthy and more regular bowel movements.

Tips on improving gut health include:

  • Eat plenty of fibre
  • Avoid refined sugars
  • Drink lots of water
  • Limit your meat intake

Plant-based alternatives

As a newbie to the world of plant-based eating, you might be overwhelmed by the various options that are now available. However, we’ve made things simpler by listing a few of our favourite plant-based alternatives that are definitely worth adding to your shopping cart.

Big Fry Burger: Yes, you’ll still be able to enjoy the taste of a sizzling beefy burger from time to time.

No-meatballs: Or, perhaps you’re in the mood for a nice hearty bowl of pasta? These no-meat balls are the perfect addition to any spaghetti dish. Top tip: Switch out your usual pasta for a whole wheat version for even more fibre!

Looking for something to snack on? Don’t worry you can still satisfy those late night cravings with these crispy chicken-style nuggets. Dip them into humus or guac for an extra layer of goodness.

Take the next step in your health journey when you sign up for Veganuary. Whether you’re interested in going plant-based or simply looking to make healthier choices, you can join the WeLoveVeganuary online community, where you’ll have access to various plant-based resources to help you along your health and wellness journey.


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