Trump blasted on social media after announcing 2024 presidential aspirations

Former US president Donald Trump has thrown his hat into the ring to run for the US presidency in 2024. Picture: Mark Lyons EPA-EFE

Former US president Donald Trump has thrown his hat into the ring to run for the US presidency in 2024. Picture: Mark Lyons EPA-EFE

Published Nov 16, 2022


Social media on Wednesday morning woke up to the news that former US president Donald Trump has thrown his hat into the ring to run for the US presidency in 2024, drawing a backlash from social media users.

“America’s comeback starts right now,” the 76-year-old former president told hundreds of supporters gathered in an American flag-draped ballroom at his palatial Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.

Trump was impeached for seeking political dirt on Joe Biden from Ukraine and again after the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by his supporters.

“For anyone who needs to hear this – Trump announcing he is running for President does not have a legal impact on investigations. No one at DOJ watched that speech and ripped up all of the work they have been pursuing,” American political adviser and former White House press secretary Jennifer Psaki took to Twitter to say.

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 16, 2022

Another Twitter user said: “I know there is a lot going on, but CIA agents were killed, captured, or compromised because Trump sold their names to our enemies. Just thought I should remind everyone of that.“

The Lincoln Project tweeted soon after the announcement saying: “Tonight, as you watch an orange-smeared circus clown gear up to take another stab at ending our democracy, remember this: when the Republican Party had a choice between Trump or America, they chose Trump over and over again.”

Another social media user, who happens to be a retired US soldier, said: “He is an evil, extremely dangerous man who threatens our democracy & our future.

“Don’t tell me I’m breaching a ‘civil-military control’ protocol. I’m retired now & believe stating this is critically important to our nation.”

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